Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Day 45 Henrietta to Syracuse, NY


The heat index was again 110 degrees today. Some severe thunderstorms were forecast for mid-afternoon. We had good reason to get on the road early and ride quickly.

We rolled out of the hotel parking lot in Henrietta at 6:20 am–having eaten only the quick continental breakfast. Keith (IA) and I rode together the full 93 miles to Liverpool (Syracuse), NY. We immediately ran into the detours mentioned at last night’s route rap. Nevertheless, there was some confusion on the part of many riders, including myself. A passing cyclist directed us toward Pittsford where we were to pick up Rt 31 E / also named NY State Bike Route 5. Apparently not all motorists recognize the fact that the marked lane on the side of the roadway is a BIKE LANE. We were actually stopped by an angry driver who asked, “ What makes you think you guys can ride on the road?” He threatened to call the police, and I invited him to do so. Unfortunately, we do from time to time experience unfounded antagonism toward cyclists, riding within the bounds of the law and common sense. These folks are a small , but vocal minority. Share the road!

Bike Route 5 had a wider than normal bike lane with an excellent road surface. We initially had some heavy traffic to contend with in a road construction zone near the town of Palmyra, but as the miles accumulated we had a more rural setting and less traffic. Palmyra, you will recall, was made famous by John Smith, founder of the Mormon Church. He and his followers departed Palmyra heading west and eventually settled in Utah. It is the only town in America that has 4 churches at one intersection, one on each corner.

Many small towns–some quite neat and interesting in appearance–were on our route today: Lyons, Clyde, Savannah, Tyre, Montezuma among them. We passed a section of the Erie Canal, which we will see occasionally as we cross NY State.

We were in Liverpool by 12:30. The thunderstorms and rain hit later in the afternoon, soaking many riders.

My brother, Chuck and sister-in-law Jackie, visited this afternoon and evening. They attended route rap and met many of the riders. We enjoyed a good dinner together.

There is no doubt we are in the East; the traffic volume has increased significantly.


You poor riders! Seems like the weather has been relentless throughout this entire adventure. But you're almost there! After you dip your front tires, you then just have to turn around, ride back to the west coast, pick up your cars...and you're DONE!


xo w
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